Town of Truckee
The town of Truckee is one of the older communities in California, dating back to the early days of the Transcontinental Railway.
It is also renowned for it's frigid weather, frequently making the news for having the lowest overnight temperature of any place in the lower 48 states.
Take the Hwy 267 exit from the I-80 freeway west of Truckee when trailering to Robie Park. This route, which takes you via Brockway Summit, used to be suggested for larger rigs, but is now considered the best road into Robie Park for all rigs. The alternative (original) route is slower going and much dustier.
Truckee/Donner Historical Society
Interstate 80
Interstate 80 is the main highway link between Auburn and the Truckee area where the Ride begins.
Although I-80 is two or three lanes wide in each direction, there are lengthy sections where the grades are 6% or more. If driving a large rig, gear down and take it slowly: save your brakes.
Historic Highway 49
Highway 49 is the main link between Auburn and the town of Cool on the opposite side of the American River Canyon. Close to the highway bridge over the American River is where the Lower Quarry Vetcheck and No Hands Bridge are located.
Also at the spot where Highway 49 bridges the river, the Old Foresthill Road branches off, winding its way up the canyon wall to join the Foresthill Divide Road.
Highway 49 between Auburn and Cool is a steep, twisty, heavily travelled two-lane road with very few turnouts. If driving a large rig, gear down and take it very slowly: save your brakes. Grades in some sections are 8% or more.
Foresthill Divide Road
The Foresthill Divide Road includes the 17 mile stretch from I-80 near Auburn to the town ofForesthill, but also continues northeast along the ridge that separates the North and Middle Forks of the American River.
Part way to Robinson Flat, beyond where the road to Michigan Bluff splits off, it becomes known as the Soda Springs Road. Beyond Robinson Flat the road continues northward as a graded gravel road, connecting with I-80 near the Soda Springs ski area.
DO NOT attempt to use the Soda Springs Road as a shortcut between Robie Park and Robinson Flat. It is suitable for high center, four-wheel drive vehicles only.
Foresthill Chamber
Foresthill Trails
Michigan Bluff
Old Foresthill Road
The Old Foresthill Road predates the building of the Foresthill Bridge that now spans the North Fork of the American River just outside of Auburn. It serves as a good shortcut between the River crossing area (access to the Lower Quarry Vet Check, Highway 49 Crossing and No Hands Bridge) and the Foresthill Divide Road.
Old Foresthill Road is also a better route to take when pulling a three horse (or larger) rig between Auburn and the River Crossing area. The more "direct" Highway 49 route is steep (8% grades in some places), has sharp corners and heavy traffic.
White Oak Flat
White Oak Flat is an area of natural rolling meadows of about five acres in size, well up on the Foresthill Divide. The 1997 Tevis Cup Ride made use of the original Tevis Cup trail through the Todds Valley area to White Oak Flat, branching off from a point on the "California Street" trail, known as "Cal-2." The vet check usually held at Francisco's was held at White Oak Flat that year. The trail route then proceeded downhill to Francisco's.
White Oak Flat, when used as a Tevis vetcheck, is NOT open to crews. The Ride provides water and feed for the horses and refreshments for the riders. In the event that a horse is pulled, there is an unpaved road that connects via McKeon-Ponderosa Road to the Foresthill Divide Road.
Cool (formerly, Cave Valley) is a small unincorporated community in El Dorado County, California.
Location of the Cool Equestrian Staging area and start of the Olmstead Loop Trail which will take you to Pointed Rock. In years past Pointed Rock was one of the main Vet Checks on the Tevis.
Placer County
The majority of the Western States Trail is in Placer County. This county has 1,400 square miles of the most beautiful and diverse geography in Northern California.
If you are here for Tevis, please explore and enjoy this beautiful county and the people in it.